What Does Heat Mean in Reiki?

What Does Heat Mean in Reiki and Why Do I Feel Heat During Reiki?
The heat is usually a sign that the Reiki energy is working on clearing up a blockage, moving energy through the body, and focusing on the area where there is an energy imbalance.

What Does Heat Mean in Reiki?

When a practitioner experiences heat in a specific area or chakra, it often signifies that the chakra is either overactive or underactive.
An overactive chakra may generate a lot of heat, while an underactive one might feel cooler.
The heat is usually a sign that the Reiki energy is working on clearing up a blockage, moving energy through the body, and focusing on the area where there is an energy imbalance.

Feeling Heat During Reiki
Feeling Heat During Reiki

Why Do I Feel Heat During Reiki?

As Reiki energies flow between the practitioner and the recipient during a Reiki session, the two bodies may respond or react to particular sensations.
These sensations can range from warmth, cold, goosebumps, chills, and even short-term uneasiness if there’s pent-up emotional tension and stress in a certain area of the body.
The feeling of heat is a common experience, often indicating that the energy is flowing smoothly.

Heat and the Heart Chakra

One common area where practitioners often feel the heat is the Heart chakra.
This could be due to a strong, compassionate love towards other people, an openness to Divine unconditional love, or a depletion of the chakra’s energies due to a large expenditure of love being given without being replenished.
In such cases, the Reiki energies rush in, filling the Heart chakra energy.

Heat and the Throat Chakra

Another area where heat might be felt is the Throat chakra.
This could be due to issues with communication, emotions, or circumstances in life that are difficult to discuss.
The heat in this area is a sign that the Reiki energy is working to balance the chakra and facilitate better communication.

What Does Heat Mean in Reiki?
What Does Heat Mean in Reiki?

Trusting the Process

While it’s interesting to understand why I feel heat during Reiki, it’s also important to trust the process.
Reiki is intuitive, and the energy flows to a chakra until it feels complete.
Feeling heat is a classic Reiki experience, and it’s usually a sign that the energy is flowing smoothly.
It’s unusual for the heat to make one uncomfortable.

Most often, heat is experienced as a relaxing warmth.

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What kind of energy is Reiki
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